Details of any current Planning Applications will be highlighted on this page, for residents to peruse and review.  Residents will also be able to make any comments, if they wish to do so, direct to the planning authority, the New Forest District Council (NFDC), by clicking on the hyper-link below, ensuring that the correct Planning Application's case number is selected.  Should any resident also wish to raise their concerns, either for or against, a specific Planning Application to the Parish Council, then they are kindly asked to complete an entry in the 'Contact Us' page and submit this accordingly.  Alternatively, they can send an email to the Parish Clerk under separate cover.

The New Forest District Council's Planning Department can be accessed by clicking on the blue coloured hyper-link below: -

Planning Applications inside the Parish including Parish Council views and NFDC decisions


Replacement dwelling and detached garage

SPC recommendation: PAR3 - recommend permission

NFDC decision: Granted Subject to Conditions


Change use from agricultural barn to holiday let accommodation; associated external alterations; parking

SPC recommendation: PAR 1 - recommend permission but would accept the decision reached by NFDC Officers under their delegated powers

NFDC decision: pending

24/10286 Plots 3/4, Sandleheath Industrial Estate, Old Brickyard Road, Sandleheath SP6 1PA

Area of secure yard (B8 use class) along with the siting of steel shipping containers for self storage (sui generis employment use) together with associated internal access roads, lighting, gates & boundary fence.

SPC recommendation: PAR4 - recommend Refusal

NFDC decision: Pending

24/10220 Brook House, Alderholt Road, Sandleheath SP6 1PT

Remove existing conservatory and form a new single-storey extension

SPC recommendation: Recommend approval

NFDC decision: Granted, Subject to Conditions

23/11225 Pineleigh, Rockbourne Road, Sandleheath SP6 1QF

Demolish existing porch and erect new enlarged porch to front

SPC recommendation: Recommend approval

NFDC decision: Granted, Subject to Conditions

23/10806 Barn to east of Sandle Lodge, Main Road, Sandleheath SP6 1PF

Variation of condition 2 and 10, removal of condition 9 of application 20/10487 to allow changes to elevations and increase to x 4 no bedroom

SPC decision: Recommend refusal

NFDC decision: Granted, Subject to Conditions

23/10712 Richmond, Main Road, Sandleheath SP6 1TD

Proposal: 3no houses; 1no garage; solar panels; 2no cycle stores; associated landscaping; demolition of existing dwelling

SPC decision: Recommend approval subject to latest ecological survey

NFDC decision: pending

23/10376  Moss Side, Alderholt Road, Sandleheath SP6 1PT

Proposal: Two- storey rear extension; roof alterations to enlarge existing first floor, side dormer window

SPC decision: Recommend approval with use of frosted glass in upper windows

NFDC decision: Granted Subject to Conditions

Planning appeal 21/11722 Land at Courtwood Farm, Court Hill, Sandleheath SP6 1QD

Description: Erection of  new build houses with associated landscaping

SPC comment: We would suport the decision by the Planning Committe and would like to make the following comment: We would prefer to see less density of housing, to ensure the living conditions of furture residents. We would also like to ensure that safe access is reviewed in light of the movement of lorries. If possible, as the site is where the 30mph becomes 60mph, we would like the 30mph extended past the site.

Appeal decision: Awaiting

22/11413 Forres Sandle Manor School, Sandle Manor Drive SP6 1NS

Description: Continued siting of a temporary classroom for a further 3 years

SPC decision: no comment

NFDC decision: Grant Temporary Permission

22/10656 Touchwood, Main Road, Sandleheath SP6 1PY

Proposal: Single-garage and studio/home office

SPC decision: Approved subject to roof pitch being lowered

NFDC decision: Granted Subject to Conditions

22/10190 Moss Side, Alderholt Road, Sandleheath SP6 1PT

Proposal: Rear dormer; roof alterations; single-storey roof extension; side lean-to garage/utility

SPC decision: Approved

NFDC decision: Granted Subject to Conditions

21/10578 Barn to east of Sandle Lodge, Main Road, Sandleheath SP6 1PF

Proposal: Demolition of existing barn and erection of replacement dwelling

NFDC decision: Granted Subject to Conditions

Planning Applications near to, but outside the Parish

23/10316 SS16 Land north of Station Road, Fordingbridge SP6 1JW

Proposal: 206 dwellings (including affordable housing provision), new pedestrian and cycle routes, landscaping, parking, public open space, Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace, improvement of existing access, drainage and all other necessary on site infrastructure

SPC decision: Extension requested until 31st May

Application No: 21/10052 - Land to the west of Whitsbury Road.  Decision: Outline planning application with local views sought

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